Ministries & Offices Service and Justice

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Created in 1970, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is a grants program sponsored by the Catholic Bishops of the United States and the Diocese of Columbus. It is intended to assist self-help programs that are designed and run by the poor and to address the root causes of poverty and injustice within the United States.

Funds for this program are donated through an annual November appeal in all the Catholic parishes. Seventy-five percent of the funds collected within each diocese are sent to the national office in Washington, D.C. for redistribution throughout the United States in the form of national grants. Twenty-five percent remains in each diocese for local grants. 

The diocesan CCHD office serves as a liaison to the national Catholic Campaign for Human Development Office of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. In its role, the diocesan office promotes the annual November collection in addition to local and national grant opportunities. It also educates the non-poor to effect in them a conversion of heart, a growth in compassion, and a sensitivity to the needs of the poor.

Diocesan CCHD Board

A diocesan CCHD board reviews and evaluates applications submitted for local grants.

Criteria and Guidelines for CCHD Application

  • All projects must benefit a poverty group and/or victims of injustice.
  • Projects that should be funded by money available from the private or public sectors (excluding church funds) will not be considered unless applicants document that they are unable to obtain funding from these sources. However, proposals which call for "seed money" or "matching money" will be considered, if documented.
  • Successful CCHD projects must demonstrate a commitment to attacking poverty through institutional change (i.e., modification of existing laws or policies, the establishment of alternative structures, or redistribution of decision-making powers). Direct service projects do not qualify.
  • The project activities for which funding is requested must conform to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.
  • Extra consideration will be given to applicable projects outside Franklin County that fall within the diocesan boundaries.

To obtain an application, please contact the diocesan Office for Social Concerns at (614) 241-2540.

Mark Huddy
Episcopal Moderator, Catholic Charities & Social Concerns
[email protected]

Erin Cordle
Associate Director, Office for Social Concerns
614-241-2540 ex. 1432
[email protected]