Social Concerns

Prison Ministry & Criminal Justice

The Office for Social Concerns coordinates efforts around criminal justice issues.  It also convenes prison ministers for gatherings, supports ARCH Reentry ministry, and promotes activities around the Church's call to end the use of the death penalty.

  • Prison Ministry Resources - The Catholic Diocese of Columbus maintains a fund for the purchase of religious articles for use in jails and prisons. The intent of this fund is to offer financial support for the purchase of items not covered by correctional institutions or parish ministries. Examples include the purchase of missalettes, prayer books, faith formation resources, etc. The fund is limited and available each year on a first-come, first-served basis. Once this account is exhausted, we need to wait for the next annual distribution. Please keep this in mind and apply for only what you need. (Grant Application for Prison Ministry Fund)
  • Prison Ministry Incident Report Form - This form is to be completed by a prison minister in the Catholic Diocese of Columbus. Jail & Prison ministers are encouraged to report incidents at correctional institutions that have resulted in barriers to ministry to those who are incarcerated. The purpose of this form is for the diocesan Office for Social Concerns to track issues that have been successfully resolved or after repeated attempts by prison, ministers are still awaiting resolution. (Incident Report Form)
  • Catholic Prison Ministries CoalitionThe Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition (CPMC) promotes Catholic ministry to all those affected by incarceration. Our goal is to recruit, train, support and empower those called to this ministry. CPMC creates opportunities to share resources and best practices to strengthen the Church’s mission to advance restorative justice that upholds the dignity of every human person affected by incarceration and detention (victims, families, correctional officers, prosecutors, judges, etc.)
  • Dismas MinistryThis national Catholic ministry provides valuable resources for prison ministers and inmates. Consider obtaining free bibles at
  • For a listing of state correctional institutions and Catholic chaplains in the Diocese of Columbus, please click on the link below: List of State Prisons & Catholic Chaplains Volunteer in Prison Ministry? Feel called to minister inside the fence? This is a Corporal Work of Mercy.  Contact us and we will connect you to an opportunity to serve.   [email protected] 614-241-2540.
  • ARCH Reentry (Accompanying Returning Citizens with Hope) is an outreach project to help meet the needs of individuals who have been incarcerated, also referred to as returning or restored citizens. We aim to assist local faith communities in becoming welcoming spaces that provide essential support services to returning citizens on their road to reintegration and healing. This project also aids those who help returning citizens live out their faith with works of compassion and mercy. Visit the ARCH Reentry webpage and learn how you can accompany returning citizens with hope.

  • Ohio Governor's Expedited Pardon Program.   A felony conviction can lead to a lifetime of consequences, but the Ohio Governor's Expedited Pardon Project gives returning citizens living upstanding post-conviction lives a second chance for better opportunities.  You may know of parishioners who could benefit from this program.  To learn more, CLICK HERE.  

Mark Huddy
Episcopal Moderator, Catholic Charities & Social Concerns
[email protected]

Erin Cordle
Associate Director, Office for Social Concerns
614-241-2540 ex. 1432
[email protected]