April 22, 2019 03:00

Sri Lanka Bombing

We are deeply saddened by the sequence of bombings that took the lives of hundreds in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. It is especially disheartening that many of these attacks were coordinated against Catholic churches during the holiest day of our faith, the day we all celebrate Jesus’ victory over death and his everlasting sacrifice for us. We offer our prayers to those who have died, their loved ones, and friends; we also pray that those who work to aid and assist those affected by these events remain safe.

In the face of this tragedy, especially during this Easter Season, it is important to remember that Christ is truly alive -- always among us, encouraging us to follow his teachings, to find a higher path. At Easter Mass, we were asked to reject Satan and his power over us and learned Jesus’ life and resurrection proves death is not the final answer, that His truth is stronger than the powers of darkness. We all pray that Jesus’s message of eternal life, joy, and hope will sway and redeem those who embrace the inherent evil of these acts.

+ Bishop Robert J. Brennan

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