December 09, 2020 03:00

Shooting Death of Casey Goodson

I am deeply saddened and troubled by the recent shooting death of Casey C. Goodson Jr., in Columbus last Friday. With the faithful of the Diocese of Columbus, I offer our deepest sympathy to Mr. Goodson's family and friends as we share in their pain and grief caused by this unimaginable loss of life. We also stand in solidarity with all those in our community who seek a full and impartial investigation to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragic event.

It is incomprehensible to write this statement following a summer of significant unrest caused by similar events. This distressing incident reminds us of the effort we must make together to form a community that is sincerely committed to eradicating racism, prejudice, and unjust discrimination.

While experiencing initial shock and dismay, our response to any officer-involved shooting must be rooted in nonviolent means of expression so that justice may be served. We have a long road ahead of us, but this must be traveled in fellowship with those who are most vulnerable to unjust discrimination. We must continue to open wide our hearts to honest dialogue with a moral and prophetic voice.

I encourage the faithful of the Diocese to hold discussions at your parish on racism and other injustices that plague our communities. When our city's different communities seek proactively to understand each other, our future will be full of mutual respect, acceptance, and hope.

+ Bishop Robert J. Brennan

PDF of Statement

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