December 24, 2020 03:00

Shooting Death of Andre Hill

I am truly heartbroken by the recent shooting of Andre Hill, an unarmed African American man, in Columbus this past Tuesday. Our community continues to experience the tragic loss of life in a police officer related incident, despite all the efforts these past weeks and months. I am encouraged that the Ohio BCI has initiated its investigation and ask all to be patient as we await their findings. I pray earnestly, and I encourage people to pray for all those involved: for the eternal rest of Mr. Hill, for the consolation of his family, for all in law enforcement, who are also suffering, and for our entire community, especially those who identify with this pain most deeply. May Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, whose nativity we proclaim these days be our light in the darkness and bring healing and hope to our community.

+ Bishop Robert J. Brennan

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