October 04, 2020 12:01

Prayers for President & First Lady

I join with civic and religious leaders from around the country, along with so many of the faithful here in the Diocese, in prayer for the President, First Lady, our nation, and all who have been afflicted with COVID-19 and its effects. The events of recent days are a poignant reminder that, regardless of our political affiliation, rank, or station, we all share equally in the long and difficult struggle against this virus that continues to impact our daily lives.

This morning in Assisi, Pope Francis released his Encyclical, "Fratelli Tutti" -- We are all Brothers and Sisters -- calling all Catholics and, in fact, all people of goodwill, to a greater sense of solidarity with one another. He reminds us that the experience of this pandemic should inspire in us a genuine sense of practical compassion for those who suffer, especially the most vulnerable. Looking at the parable of the Good Samaritan, he reminds us that sooner or later we will all encounter a person who is suffering. "Will we bend down to touch and heal the wounds of others?"

May the President, the First Lady, and all those suffering from COVID-19 return to good health very soon, and may we find strength and fortitude through God's grace as we all continue to deal with the many impacts of this pandemic.

+ Bishop Robert J. Brennan

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