October 03, 2022 00:00

On Hurricane Ian

Catholic Charities USA is one safe way to support the ongoing efforts to help hurricane victims.

Video Transcript:

My dear friends in Christ,

As the Bishop of Columbus, I wanted to address you following the Hurricane Ian, which affected Florida and the Carolinas

Many of us have seen the graphic pictures on television, and our hearts go out to the people in those regions. 

I invite you, the members of the people of God here in the Diocese of Columbus, to enter deeply into prayer with me for all of those victims and for their families, and for all of those suffering from human misery during this time.

Sometimes in crises such as this, we wonder, “Where is God in the midst of that storm? Has he abandoned us?”

Of course, the scriptures tell us, Jesus tells us, “Know that I am with you always, even until the end of the ages.”

We hear His voice, and we ask that He come to be close to us and to all those who suffer.

Sometimes we encounter great crises, but crises can also be an opportunity, an opportunity for us to pray, an opportunity for new generosity which we are seeing in the first responders, an opportunity for us to share the gifts we have been given for those who are suffering, through donations to Catholic charities to help those to rise from the rubble to begin life once again with their loved ones. 

At this time, I invite all of you to join me in prayer for the people of Florida and the Carolinas:

Almighty and Eternal God,
look with compassion upon all those who suffer.
And through the sufferings of your Son,
help us to experience your mercy and compassion.
Help us not to lose hope amidst the suffering,
and to turn our eyes once more to you,
who are always our Rock, our Refuge, and our Help.
We ask this and all things through Christ, our Lord.