November 04, 2020 03:00

Naming of Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory to the College of Cardinals

Pope Francis’ recent appointment of Washington Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory as Cardinal of the Catholic Church is very good news indeed. As a dedicated priest, bishop, and former president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal-designate Gregory has shown throughout his life of service that he is not only a proven leader but a true and dedicated defender of human dignity and an unceasing champion of racial equality and social justice. In his service to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops he served as the voice of the Church in a critical time and continues to be a steady hand in ongoing reform and healing. There is no doubt that his faith, wisdom, and experience will serve as a great asset to the Holy Father and the College of Cardinals in the years to come. I join with all the faithful to pray for God’s blessings in thanks for his appointment.

+ Bishop Robert J. Brennan

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