March 20, 2024 13:00

Dioceses of Columbus Steubenville Submit Summary to Archbishop and Apostolic Nunciature

Download a pdf of the statement here.

See the statement in The Catholic Times.

Late last week, Bishop Paul J. Bradley (Steubenville) and Bishop Earl K. Fernandes (Columbus) along with their diocesan leadership teams submitted a summary of findings on how both dioceses could be affected by a potential merger.

The bishops and their diocesan leadership teams were asked to discuss and compile an assessment of how both dioceses could be affected by such a proposal.

After discussions between the diocesan leadership teams in numerous meetings, a summary was compiled and submitted to Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, Cincinnati, and the Apostolic Nunciature. Both Columbus and Steubenville contributed to the summary communicating details unique to their respective dioceses.

Neither the bishops nor their leadership teams were tasked with making a decision, rather to consider how the aspects of diocesan life of the dioceses could be affected by a potential merger.

No decision on a merger has been made. The final decision will be made by the Holy Father, Pope Francis. This process of discernment is distinct from the process of implementation should a merger occur.

Bishop Bradley and Bishop Fernandes, as well as the diocesan leadership teams, ask for the continued prayers of the clergy and laity of both dioceses as Pope Francis discerns the path forward.

Earl K. Fernandes
Bishop of Columbus

Paul J. Bradley
Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Steubenville